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Mizutani Style Moxa
We will have the moxa guru from Vancouver, Junji Mizutani, again at Sankei! He made the special schedule arrangement for us. (Appreciate).

This time, we asked him to show what he usually does in his moxa clinic. He always says that moxa should have rhythm. His moxa technique looks like playing piano. Once you see it, you will understand how the rhythm helps moxa treatment. You can take back a lot of hidden technique to your practice. Why don't you come over on December 10. @Sankei.

December 10(Sunday)
10am - 6 pm

Place: Sankei
Tokyo Kanda


Yen 15,000

Professor NAJOM
Junji Mizutani

Contact workshop@oq83.jp
03-3252-2149 Sankei

workshop@oq83.jp Home Last Update: 2017/09/30